We Invite SME’s to Use TIRPORT

We Invite SME's to Use TIRPORT

The role of SMEs in the economy is increasing day by day and gaining importance. There are 3.2 million SMEs in our country. SMEs provide 73.8% of employment, and 56.3% of total exports are realized by SMEs. When we look at the data of 2019, we see that 65.5 percent of the annual turnover of 8.9 trillion TL of enterprises in Turkey is realized by SMEs.

We invite our SMEs, who are becoming indispensable in our country’s economy, to manage their shipments end-to-end and to have full knowledge of all transportation processes with the digital solutions of TIRPORT. Our SMEs who want to use the power of technology and benefit from its advantages can start using TIRPORT by choosing the most suitable service package on www.tirport.com .


  • They can monitor and manage all shipping operations 24/7
  • They can select trucks with the qualifications they are looking for, nearby and “available” from the TIRPORT “Find Suitable Truck” module. They can check all the past performance and reliability of the truckers online, and recommend loads to the ones they see fit.
  • They can create a reliable trucker pool from the truckers they have transported and are satisfied with, and they can first offer them loads when they need it.
  • They can get support from TIRPORT Smart Call Center 24/7
  • They always have digital access to up-to-date trucker paperwork
  • They can access all official documents such as waybills and invoices digitally from anywhere.
  • From TIRPORT WEB-Based Dashboards, all the reports they need on TIRPORT management panels are always ready for their specific real-time, location-based, time slots.
  • With TIRPORT SSL, they can have their customers watch the entire shipping process.