How Big is the Global Logistics Sector?

How Big is the Global Logistics Sector?

Logistics has a very important place in the world economy of 86 trillion USD. Approximately 12% of the world economy is directly related to the logistics sector.

UK-based Freightwaves, one of the leading digital publications in the sector, has researched this issue in a multidimensional way and has revealed the situation in the first quarter of 2020 with the following article.

According to the news of Freightwaves, the size of the logistics sector in the world varies between 8-12 trillion USD.

Again, according to the same news, this volume;

  • 43% road transport
  • 22% microdistribution (retail weighted)
  • 11% consists of storage.

You can find the details of the news in which the situation of logistics actors in the USA is given in detail, from the link below:
